Support for Futures Contracts and Real Time Data
in progress
Brian Bartgen
Just as an introduction so you can judge where this commentary is coming, I am a profitable futures trader and ran across BFT. I have really enjoyed the inclusion of x-mode (Asger's comments of, "Experienced traders will instantly see the value of x-mode" is true). In the new platform, I do not see the ability to add the major contracts (ES, NQ, GC, 6E, CL, FDAX as examples).
Secondarily, real-time futures data support would be good as well. Many of us are looking at 1 minute charts quite often. There wouldn't be push back to have to pay for data from the individual exchanges - I already pay for it multiple times on different platforms - such is life of a futures trader.
As an example, the closest thing I currently see in Navigator is SPX which is painful trying to translate the prices between SPX and ES. Whereas, in Trade View, I have ES running x-mode with realtime data.
Asger Emborg
We have spx500usd and nas100usd which represents sp500 and Nasdaq 100 index.
The basis points might be a bit off, but this can merely be offset by a few points on your own end.
I have successfully traded multiple futures products with much larger offsets to spot, It works even better if you scale into position and also capture the spread.
Roxana Rodríguez Peña
yes please consider adding the ES and the MES. is really painful translating the prices when the market moves so fast. the algo works amazing but that's the only part that is missing.
Adam Einhorn
Hi I agree with Brian 100%. I see Brian posted this back in June. Is there any update on when ES will be available on Navigator? I know SPX is on navigator but ES is not and I will have to translate SPX price when trading ES. Same goes for NQ, and Russell.
Andrew Claridge
Any Update/Timeframe on this? I love the platform but can't really use it as yet until Futures are added. Second Brian in that real-time futures data support is also needed.
Michael Griffiths
I second this to include adding the Micro Emini Side MNQ, MES, M2K, MYM,and GC..Brian thanks for this.
Asger Emborg
in progress
Asger Emborg
Merged in a post:
Kris Respilleux
Is it possible to find the indexes easier on the platform? Nothing found when typing us30, uk100, De30,... Thx
Asger Emborg
Merged in a post:
Real time data
Kris Respilleux
The prices do not update in real time, but sure that's on the calendar asap. Thx
Asger Emborg
Hi Brian,
Thanks for your comments, I agree with all of them.
Indices & futures are being added this month. Realtime data on current assets should be improved this coming week, according to data vendor.
As soon as 1m & 5m timeframe becomes tradeable, will we enable it from the backend.
Brian Bartgen
Asger Emborg: Hi - I see you folks improved with Oanda. Are the futures exchanges still inbound? Reason I ask is I see there is a need to divest from Trading View ASAP.
Asger Emborg
Hi Brian, it's in the works.
Are you OK with strategy mode being removed from Tradingview, and keeping x-mode?
Brian Bartgen
Asger Emborg:
Yes -
that will work for me. Intraday futures traders won’t use strategy mode more than a point of reference which could be attained via SPX if trading ES. Realistically, if I wanted to enter a swing trade, I would probably use index options anyways.
Some of the commodities don’t have an obvious equivalent though. That’s probably okay right now given your current user base. And, personally, there is so much volatility everywhere, I am not engaging on the commodities at the moment.
But, to your point, please do not remove x-mode too early during this tech swap.
Michael Griffiths
Asger Emborg: Asger would you consider leaving the strategy-mode on for the futures when it becomes available even say the 3-5min time frame? As Brian indicated, the market is crazy volatile. So at least the 5min would be a great start for Us..Thx Michael
Eric -
Asger Emborg: Was looking at doing scalping with x-mode on equities on the 1 min, but saw that there wasn't real-time data available. I'll be more than happy to be back when there's support for such!